Donate to the Syracuse Rose Society!

Help the SRS with it's mission to preserve the Mills Garden and educate the community.

Become a Syracuse Rose Society member

Do you love roses? Would you like to learn more about them? Would you like to meet others who share your love of roses? Then become a member of the Syracuse Rose Society!

Download the membership application form

Here are a few of the wonderful benefits of joining the Syracuse Rose Society

* Monthly Bulletin with lively, informative presentations of rose growing information and rose-related news

* Monthly meetings with speakers on topics such as selection of rose cultivars, rose culture, rose gardens of the world, and rose-related activities

* Annual garden tour of members' rose gardens

* Weekly work party in Mills Rose Garden of Thornden Park every Wednesday morning and some Saturday morning groups. It's great chances to learn and have fun while beautifying the environment

* Opportunities to purchase supplies and plants at group rates through the Society

* Fun, learning and socializing as members work together in information booths at the NY State Fair, local gardening events and local nurseries

* Consulting Rosarians available to help new members learn about planting and care of roses

* Specialized rose book loans through Society library

* Two rose shows per year in June and August

* Contacts with other rosarians around New York State and the U.S.

2025 Syracuse Rose Society Officers

 President:  Darlene Lowell

First Vice-President: Martha Roman

Second Vice-President: Sonia Kragh  

Third Vice-President: Deb Holihan

Fourth Vice-President: Michael Prockup

Recording Secretary: Nancy Monast

Asst. Recording Secretary: Vacant

Corresponding Secretary: Amy Dahlman

Treasurer: Lisa Munoff

Asst. Treasurer: Peggy Adams